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VoIP > Testy telefonii VoIP

Testy telefonii VoIP

Jeden z "najprzyjaźniejszych" testów łącza internetowego:

Krok 1. Połacz sie z witryną:




Krok 2. Kliknij na przcis zaznaczony czerwoną strzałką i poczekaj na wynik

Krok 3. Po kilkudziesięciu sekundach powinno ukazać się okno podobne do poniższego "zrzutu" - czyli fotografii ekranu

Krok 4. Po naciśnięciu na przycisku szczegóły powinien wyświetlić się ekran podobny do poniższego, ale z Twoimi parametrami!

VoIP Bandwidth Test


You can make 2 simultaneous VoIP calls using your current Internet upload speed of 71 kbps and the default settings on TalkSwitch.

Detailed Results

Codec Estimated number of simultaneous VoIP conversations*
Using codec G.711,you can make up to 1 VoIP call
Using codec G.726,you can make 1 VoIP call
Using codec G.729,you can make 2 simultaneous VoIP calls

A variety of factors can affect the quality and number of VoIP calls. These include the amount of Internet traffic, data traffic on your LAN network, your compression algorithm (codec), and your Internet connection's speed and reliability.


Codec: A compression algorithm for your call that determines the call quality and the bandwidth required for the call. TalkSwitch supports 3 compression CODECs, G.711 (least compression), G.726 (medium compression), and the default, G.729 (greatest compression). The higher the compression, the lower the quality of the call. And the higher the compression the lower the bandwidth requirements for the call.

G.711: Excellent call quality with the least compression at approximately 100Kbps bandwidth.
G.726: Very good call quality with compression at approximately 50Kbps bandwidth.
G.729: Good call quality with greatest compression at approximately 20 Kbps bandwidth.

G.729 is the default TalkSwitch CODEC.

You may experience call degradation if there is high internet traffic, or high internal networking traffic. To accommodate a larger number of simultaneous calls you may need to increase the call compression.

What are the requirements that can help ensure call quality?

Perform the test again or learn more about our Hybrid VoIP/PSTN Telephone Syste


                           produkty zaawansowanych technologii dla ambitnych -   08.VIII/2006